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MITCON’s Step Towards Sustainable Development of Farmers and Decarbonization

Villages are the soul of India and sustainable forestry and nature-friendly design through its management is an integral part of this system to revitalize the economic and social system of these villages as well as revive their vitality of villages. We are working with the aim of rehabilitating agriculture and farmers.

Agriculture is the backbone of our Indian economy and social system. Strengthening the relationship between agriculture and farmers and protecting the environment is the core of this work and it is everyone’s duty to protect the trees, forests and the environment and transfer it intact to the next generation.

As per the recommendation of the Department of Agriculture and the Institute of wood science and technology (IWST) to bring about self-sufficient rural development, the concept of commercial farming is being implemented to produce mahogany forest trees on a commercial contract basis.

Mitcon Consultancy & Engineering Limited and Mahogany Vishwa Agro Pvt. Ltd. have established a company “Mitcon Nature Based Solution Limited” under a joint venture. On October 2022 Mitcon and Mahogany Vishwa Agro Pvt. Ltd. an important agreement signed between them. In this partnership, Mitcon and Mahogany Vishwa Agro Pvt. Ltd. According to their mission, sustainable income opportunities will be provided through various businesses in the agricultural sector and related to agriculture.
such as:

• Forestry – bamboo, sandalwood, mahogany, and silver oak,
• Orchards,
• Aromatic oil,
• Herbs
• Organic farming,
• Management and sale/export of agricultural produce

Mitcon Nature Based Solutions Limited is implementing the commercial forestry concept of mahogany forestry in the agricultural sector this year to procure the produce of the trees on a contract basis.

Providing financial income to farmers from carbon farming is in line with the world’s strategy to reach NetZero’s global carbon emissions.

Carbon credits for farmers:
The carbon Program is now the best opportunity for a sustainable income from your farm.

Benefits of Mahogany Agroforestry:

• Improvement of soil quality
• Increases water holding capacity of soil
• Ground temperature remains 1.5 degrees Celsius lower
• Improves biodiversity
• Traditional farming can be done
• There is scope for non-toxic agriculture
• Cost of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is reduced
• Reduction in labour cost
• Environmentally complementary farming can be done.
• Income from the sale of mahogany seeds
• A large amount of income can be generated from the sale of mahogany wood
• At the same time sustainable income from carbon credits every year.

By Participating in our carbon program is:

o Farmers are involved in the program by signing a Mahogany Forestry Agreement.
o Best-quality seedlings will be delivered to the farmer’s farm
o The farmer’s land/soil is tests
o Agricultural experts periodically visit the farmer’s farm and plan Pesticides and fertilizers.
o Farmer’s data is recorded on the website
o The growth of trees is recorded through visits made by agronomists.
o In the third year of plantation these records lead to an initial carbon audit through Mitcon and other advisory teams.
o A final carbon audit of mahogany tree growth and increased soil carbon (organic carbon) levels.
o Carbon credits accrue to the company and
o Farmers are paid annually by selling the accumulated credits.

The mahogany tree species grows well in all types of soil (except saline, acid and alkaline soils) in our country. India is an agricultural country. Wood is India’s second largest import after edible oil. Market demand is high due to the low production of wood. Great opportunities are available in agriculture through globalization. That is why Mitcon Consultancy and Engineering Limited and Mahogany Vishwa Agro Pvt. Ltd. By adopting modern agricultural technology, considering all aspects of the quality production process and marketing, the mahogany tree has been selected for afforestation for the farmers.

Now the requirement is only to change the eternal thoughts and perspectives of farmers.